Resilience 🥺

24/02/2021 Today ,as usual, I headed to college in a hurry,after making my little one sleep. After one minute prayer at chapel, I go to my optional class and almost all are there, except the hostetlers. Meanwhile ,Principal sir announced that first hour will be in seminar hall 1. Sir was there getting ready for the class. Today, sir take class on micro-teaching , macro-teaching,link practice, teaching skills and its importance. Sir explained in detail about an important teaching skill:Set induction and its subskills. Then, Giby mam came and completed the remaining factors in the scope of psychology:- The school factor, the socio-economic status of the learner. Then, mam gave us the seminar topics for each class. Finally, mam tells us the story of Charlie Chaplin's mother-Hinnah Chaplin. Their sorrowful story make me emotional and how his mother ended up in psychosis are really painful to hear😥 .There are nobody to call her back to life- resilience . I thought w...