Resilience 🥺

   Today ,as usual, I headed to college in a hurry,after making my little one sleep. After one minute prayer at chapel, I go to my optional class and almost all are there, except the hostetlers. Meanwhile ,Principal sir announced  that first hour will  be in seminar hall 1. Sir was there getting ready for the class. Today, sir take class on micro-teaching , macro-teaching,link practice, teaching skills and its importance. Sir explained in detail about an important teaching skill:Set induction and its subskills.
Then, Giby mam came and completed the remaining factors in the scope of psychology:- The school factor, the socio-economic status of the learner. Then, mam gave us the seminar topics for each class. Finally, mam tells us the story of Charlie Chaplin's mother-Hinnah Chaplin. Their sorrowful story make me emotional and how his mother ended up in psychosis are really painful to hear😥 .There are nobody to call her back to life- resilience . I thought we are all lucky enough to have close ones to support us in our difficult times and most probably they are our parents 👥...

After that,Ancy miss class on COMMUNICATION: FIACS- Flanders interaction analysis categories systems-encoding and decoding process in it , advantages and disadvantages. Also, the matrix method to calculate learning process was interesting (as I am a Mathematics student)😉.

Mam also mentioned about Statistics as a paper in next semester. I am excited since it was my favourite paper during my UG class and I taught that paper too.. .Afternoon, there was also one hour of Ancy mam and started the portions in philosophy-Western thinkers . We started with Froebel. His short life history, his books and his views on education are discussed. He is the founder of kindergarten 🤹‍♂️🤸‍♀️. 

Maya miss class was immediate after lunch break and all are in a sleepy mood and mam sang us some lullabies that make me remember of my little one rebecca. Today man discussed about another school of philosophy- PRAGMATISM.  A most modern  concept that says:
  • Values are dynamic in nature
  • Past is past
  • No ultimate reality or  values
  • Ideas are taken only if they are proven 
  • Man is part of society 
  • Democratic values
William James- Father of PRAGMATISM and it is developed in USA . Their lifestyle, culture and ideologies are reflected in this ' action oriented' philosophy . 

Last hour by Joju  sir. Sir explained the 15 Principles of teaching aid construction; like they should be safe, economical, simple, locally available, make interest in learners, variety in nature etc. All this will surely enhance the teaching - learning process.


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