A week on high alert⚠️❗

 15/2/21 to 19/2/21
As the proposed time period of the visit of NCTE Team falls on this week,our college community was on high alert ; eventhough we proceed with our usual timetable.
Cleaning and rearranging of respective optional class have been done in due time . We also beautify our class with plants 🌳🌿, chartworks 🖼, models 📦⚱and other creative ideas 🤯with notice board in the front of the our classroom. 

Monday witnessed the final day of talent hunt program from Malayalam and Social Science departments. Both of departments performed well especially their troll videos and bloopers are really entertaining 🤣!!

On this week, Gibi mam covered the topics on the scope of psychology: the learner, the teacher,the learning process -factors have been discussed in detail with real life examples.

Maya miss take the topic on different schools of philosophy - IDEALISM,  NATURALISM,  REALISM with their aims of education,curriculum, method of teaching, role of teachers, merits and limitations.

Ancy miss taught Kohlberg's stages of moral development and its three stages:
Level I:Pre-conventional morality
Level II: Conventional morality
Level III:Post- Conventional morality.
 Also,the language development with the theories of Vygotsky and Noam Chomsky. 

Joju sir discussed about the 5M's of technology: men, method, material, media, machine. Also the 4 major revolutions in education:
  1. Shifting education from home to school. 
  2. Development of writing 
  3. Printing machine 
  4. ICT
Also , sir covered the topics of Edgar cone of experience , the merit and limitations of media and some morals we have to be practised as future teachers like judicious use of electricity and water, good dress sense since teachers can make changes and control in society that makes them SOCIAL ENGINEER. 

Deepthi miss started new unit on aims and objectives  of teaching Mathematics. Mam explained the difference between aim and objective with examples. Then, presentations of our seminar 👩‍🏫,assignment 👩‍💻and ' reading & reflection ' 📕 starts this week.
Kavya : Nature, scope and  characteristics of Mathematics.
Josena: Language,reasoning and role intuition. 
Emily: When breath becomes air - Paul Kalanidhi
:a book written by a neurosurgeon about his views on life, service as a doctor and death .
Archana: ' Pattumayude aadu' - Basheer 
Aby:  The alchemist- Paulo Coelho 
The last two  books are famous enough and first book only was new to me.

This week ,we are given chance to select our clubs and their are 12 different clubs:
Different clubs!!
I choose psychology club and our teacher- in - charge is Ancy miss and we are eagerly waiting for the activities as it is new to me..


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