A SMILE and Talent hunt at MTTC: Day 3

 The day begins with prayer at the chapel. Then, Principal asked to move to auditorium and I smelled of an orientation class. When we get ready to settle down, we are again asked to move to the general class. We are welcomed by Benedict sir along with our chief guest G.V.Hari sir for an induction program. He is an alumni of MTTC and teacher at NSS Higher Secondary School. A youth leader, motivator who involved in youth-orintation programs and take part in social as well as political activities.

 From the beginning itself,it was an power packed class and we students didn't got distracted for three hours without any break!!! Sir shared the concept of UTL. 

U =Understanding 

T =Teaching 

L =Learning 

The objective of the class was to make clear three main phases for a future teacher?!

  • 'Where you are'?
  • Understanding the concept of education. 
  • Teacher personality- formation and sustaining as teachers.
For teaching-learning process,first we need the attention of students. For that we can use energisers according to each one's convenient. That makes students listening. Listening can be emotional or intellectual. Second one is suitable for education. This leads to transformation. For that we use content. It can be given through allegories. The teaching-learning process can proceed in the following main steps:
  • Curriculum 
  • Syllabus 
  • Text 📕
  • Class👩‍🏫
  • Learning 👩‍🎓
  • Input (given by teachers)
  • Output (from students)
For attaining these goals, teacher must be such a personality with :" A SMILE ".
A ~ Appreciate 👌🤝
S ~ Supportive  👍🤗
M ~ Monitoring 🧐
I   ~ Innovative 🤯👩‍💻
L ~  Love   💖
E ~ Empathy 🙂
  At the end ,I got the clear idea of the importance of being a teacher in future!!! After the class, we have a Q&A session and some students ask their doubts regarding the class. Then ,Albin brother came to say vote of thanks with an action song which was an exciting one ,remembering our old school days😇👍.
   Afternoon,we have the talent hunt program of Natural Science and English departments. Both departments rocked the stage with their marvelous and energy-packed performances 🤹‍♀️🕺💃🎊.


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