Self Discovery with a Master Trainer:Shri. Joby Kondoor

 Reflective Self Discovery 

    Yesterday only, we came to know about a session with a master trainer for the entire morning session. I was wondering what will be the trainer is going to talk for three long hours!! With a prejudice mind, I came to college and we have our usual prayer in the  chapel and Gibi mam directed is to go to the auditorium.  

    About 9.30, Joju sir introduce the trainer Shri.Joby sir who is the district coordinator of CHILDLINE. Joby sir is also an lifeskill trainer,an youtuber, child right activist, had done more than 2000 awareness program both in doordashan, kairali TV,several FM radio's etc.

 Joby sir class start with an activity to sit in semicircles with two rows, but we failed  in first attempt.  Then sir call upon one and ask to repeat the same. This activity was actually done to imply the importance of COMMUNICATION. Then, sir gave another activity in which we form groups according to sir's instruction (for ex: bike = 2 member group,  auto=3 , jeep=4 etc). This activity helps us to know more about our course intimates. Also, sir taught that 'we must be thankful for every small act of kindness, and be sorry for committing even small mistakes'.  Next task was to form a pair with a person unknown to us and share their name and the story behind that name (if there is one). Then, some of us share the same, through which ,sir taught the four main reasons for giving a name:

 1) Religion                 



 4) like to a particular name.

So, when we become teacher it is very important to mention a student with his/her name. Also, each child  is different and unique with various backgrounds. Thus ,we have to handle them with empathy. 

                He concluded with the qualities required for a positive relation :

  • RESPECT                                     

                We have to respect and accept children as they are. Its important to give respect and take respect. Respect must be given to everyone irrespective of their age,gender and caste.


These all characteristics can be seen fully in friendship only. 


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