
Two sessions for todays online class. First hour by Deepthi miss. Online assignment presentation ended with last four people. Josena take the topic- Improvised teaching aids Rubeena-nteractive white board Pranav-Hand on experience on the modern learning supporting gadgets. Then Deepthi mam take class on the portions we have already discussed- Aims and Objectives of teaching, Blooms taxonomy and revised one etc. Second session by Maya mam. Seminar presentation continued from physical science department on the topics - corruption, terrorism,eco-terrorism,narco terrorism -its causes, prevention etc were discussed in detail. In between, Principal sir announced the winners of Earth day competition and my classmate Aleena got first🤗. Special prize was there for emily and kavya 🥳 Afternoon, we have an invited talk by planning forum of MTTC about the present situation of Covid-19 scenario . It was World Day for healthy and safety at work. Madam give detailed information about pres...