Vishu special week🌼🌾

 12/04/2021- 16/04/2021

Yet another online week has passed. Classes with two sessions are arranged for the completion of our theory portions. Also, presentation of our seminar topics too were proceeding for technology and optional papers and Giby mam take class on personality.

After natural science departments ,technology paper presentations on E-learning and related concepts,  English department starts their's; portions where Web 1.0,Web2.0,Web 3.0,Web 4.0. 

Ancy man continued with the topic of Western thinkers-PLATO ; then come to Indian thinkers - Mahatma Gandhi,his life sketch, views on education,his policies, method of teaching, Wardha scheme of education where all discussed. 

On April 14 ,as part of Vishu day celebration , our college union NISARGA conducted an interesting competition to share our status,photos or videos related to vishu on the background of Covid-19 regulations. I think everyone participated with much enthusiasm and wide variety of entries where seen. Some are given👇

I really like the creativity by all and some are fabulous.  Hoping for a wonderful celebration next year  without Corona 🥴🙏..


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