
 Yet another online day starts with optional session. Today, Deepthi mam assigned us for the presentation of our assignment topics for paper EDU 05.7 . Due to some inconvenience, only 2 persons  take their portions. First,  archana taught about the geometric skills with an beautiful ppt. Then revathy about HOT skills with good narration. 

Then, mam gave instructions for content analysis and dates for submission.

Then, at 11.15 am, we have joju sir class. The presentation of seminar topics by English department continued.  Today , we learned about CAI,CMC and CMI. All of them gave their best to explain the concerned topics.

At the end of the class, sir gave a small evaluation by asking questions ( yo ensure our participation 😌). Also, sir informed about the ' insight indepth ' talk of today which will be given by sir itself. 

The talk started at 4.30pm itself and was an informative session about mental health 🙇‍♂️🤦‍♀️🙆‍♀️💁‍♀️!!


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