Mariamma Varkey:A pioneer in UAE's education system

 MARIAMMA VARKEY(13 July,1931-31 March 2021)

The education pioneer and the founder of first GEMS school(Dubai,UAE) passed away on March 31,2021.

She was the mother of GEMS group founder and chairman Sunny Varkey. 

Mariamma Varkey,along with her husband  K.S.Varkey landed in Dubai in 1959 and at that time ,there was only Arabic schools in Dubai.So,they decided to start teaching English .Thus,founded the first private English School in Dubai-'Our Own English High School' with 27 students. Royal ones and kids of top officials where among the first batch. After that ,the growth of school progressed with the starting of GEMS school in 1980's by their son Sunny Varkey. By 2000,GEMS(Global Education Management Systems) started and now they have 250 schools globally.

K.S.Varkey & Mariamma Varkey

She was popularly known as 'Madam Varkey', Ammachi among Keralites  and Amina fo Emiratis. A strong willed personality with an enduring passion for education ,left behind a legacy of education and learning in the UAE and beyond.This legacy will live in the hearts of not only her family,but also every student that has passed through a Gems classroom in the past years. A true humanitarian and visionary educator who believed that every child deserves a great education.Despite leaving Kerala,she remain connected to her native place and also supported underprivileged communities in India.

Madam Varkey's contribution to UAE education system is immense and many of her students are from royal background in Dubai.His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Vice-President & Prime Minister of UAE and ruler of Dubai, paid tribute to her by mentioning her  contributions .

In 2016, Mariamma Varkey Award for Inspirational and Outstanding Teaching at GEMS was instituted in honour of the founder of GEMS Education’s first school. The annual award distribution used to coincide with the World Teachers’ Day that falls on October 5.


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