A week dedicated for arts👩🎤💃 and literature✍

March 29,2021 Literature Fest The 64th college union conducted the literary fest - Thamapathra ,on 29th March.Our teachers and seniors organised the items well without much tensions. Last week,we are divided into four groups consisting of our seniors,both second years and M.Ed students. The names given to the 4 groups are interesting: Group1-Panchachamaram Group2-Pushpithagraha Group3-Praharshini Group4-Pallavini Principal sir informed about the rules for participating in the competitions like maximum 4 items for individuals,max 3 from each group for each item and their was mobile photography contest too(see the role of technology in our lifes). I was in the first group and Reshma, Anusha, Priyanka were the group leaders.Our chairman Subinjit was also in our group and our former chairman Roshini too.At that time itself ,I sensed a overall trophy for us and all of the group members worked for the same.Practice sessions were held on last Saturday too. Today was busy with parti...