Qualities of a TEACHER👩‍🏫

 The qualities of a teacher: A to Z

  1. A-Affectionate. Audacious
  2. B-Brave ,benevolence 
  3. C-Compassionate,Creative composers,caring 
  4. D-Driven,Determined,Dedication
  5. E-Encourage,Empathetic
  6. F-Fearless,Facilitators
  7. G-Generous,guide
  8. H-Honest
  9. I-Inspirational
  10. J-Just,joyful
  11. K-Kind,Knowledgeable
  12. L-Loyal,Learners,leadership 
  13. M-Multi-taskers,motivators
  14. N-Nobel
  15. O-Optimistic, organizer,
  16. P-Perseverant, Perfect Planners,Patience
  17. Q-Quiet
  18. R-Resilient, resourceful
  19. S-Strong,Self-control
  20. T-Team player, trustworthy 
  21. U-Undaunted
  22. V-Visionary
  23. W-Wisdom
  24. X-X factor(the unknown factor that make a teacher unique)
  25. Y-Youthful
  26. Z-Zealous

The quotes about teachers from our class:


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