School Internshop- WEEK 6⃣ ( II)



Today, I arrived earlier at school since I have morning duty. I kept discipline at high school section. One of my peer, Gayathri of English optional was absent due to death of her near cousin. So, I go to 8 B during third hour and took my sixth hour. Hence, completed till my 27 th lp. Need three more classes to finish my target. 


Even though today is Saturday, we have class as there was lot of portions to be completed  before Onam exam and many unexpected holiday occured due to heavy rains ☔. I got two periods. During second period, I took 28 th lp. Then, afternoon, I got an extra hour from Biology teacher. So, I conduct a mini-test . 
There where two programs at auditorium.
One is organized as part of Sanskrit Day. 

Another is organized in association with federal bank. 


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