School Intermship- WEEK 4⃣ (I)

Fourth week at Pattom school, first week of August. Our teaching practice will be upto 26th of this month. Lots of works to do and pressure is unbearable. 
At those times, I remember this 👆qoute. 
I have finished the second chapter last week and dealing with 3rd chapter 'Polygons'. This chapter has got lot of possibility of giving activities. 
I have class at 3rd hour and finished 15th lesson plan. Last hour is devoted for testpaper on lase chapter 'Equations'. 
Today at  school, there where two programs conducted at auditorium. One is excellence awards for outstanding students at higher secondary level, in the previous year exam. 
Afternoon, there was a career day program for higher secondary students. 

At evening, I went to college to get sign from our optional teacher.

2nd and 3rd August, 2022 was declared as holiday due to heavy rain and flash floods. 


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