Internship phase2⃣

 The teaching practice for Semester 4 , B. Ed course has been scheduled from 13 th July to 26th August, 2022.

My school:Govt. Model Girls Higher Secondady School

I got Govt. Model Girls Higher Secondady School, Pattom. We are  asked to report at school on 6th July, for collecting the timetable and respective portions. We arrived at school by 9.00AM and waited to see the headmaster. He briefly explained about the etiquette to be keep up while in school as teachers. Also a picture about the PTA, various commissions for children and warn about the rights enjoyed by students 👩‍🎓!!!!? So we are in state where strictness and softness to be shown in eqvilance to balance both. 

After the meeting, our teacher in charge Sreelekha mam directed us to our respectice subject teachers. My teacher is Prakash sir and got his class 8 B. Sir asked to take from 2nd chapter. Initially I got 2 class, but after a rearrangment I got only one class. My classmates Shilpa and Aby are also there. 

Leader :Aby 

Sub leader:Biji


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