School Internship- WEEK 3⃣

25/07/2022 Monday A new week begins at school. I am planning to complete half of our targeted lp in this month itself. Today I have only last period and complete the chapter 'Equations' and make them to do an activity chart on folk math regarding a bird question🐦🌊🥀. Even though I tried to take 8 B library hour, that hour was taken by hindi teacher. 26/07/2022 Tuesday Today, the school conducted parents meeting for class 8 & 9 . We arranged the auditorium for the meeting. I have class during second period . I took a new chapter Polygons and taught the concept using Concept attainment model of teaching. Sir observed my class and gave comments in observation book. 27/07/2022 Wednesday Today I arrive at school by 9.20 AM for the roads are super busy. I got two periods for 8 B as their PT teacher is on leave. Biji and Gayathri observes my class. I taught the angle sum formula of polygons using ICT method. ...