Last day of teaching practice-WEEK 7️⃣



Today is our last day of teaching practise for Semester 3 of our B.Ed course. After spending more than one month as teacher , we are reliving to college . 

After prayer , HM gave a short talk on our service there and wishes as all the best . I thanked all the teachers and HM for their support and guidance through out our journey. We gave an gift to HM as a sign of our gratitude. 

Then,we proceed to take classes as per our timetable. I  got two hours-one for 8th and other for 9th std students. Students gave feedback on my class.

With 9C students 

After school time ,we got managed to get a photo with our HM. 

With HM Sr.Aquina 

Me with Jolly mam and Sabu sir

We,B.Ed trainees,shared a common feeling that we seriously miss the school St.Gorettis 🏫...we all are going back to college with lots of memories!!

Team St.Goretti 👌😇


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