Preparations for NAAC visit..

Immediately after our semester 2 university exam, preparations for NAAC visit started at grassroot level...Our optional mam already divided us into groups and assigned works for class beautification,  Laboratory & library updating etc. 

I got Lab- in -charge duty..bought new lab instruments, cleaned the room, make necessary arrangements with beautification along with aswathy, emily,sruthi and other fellow classmates like josena,revathy ,Sajin,aby ...

Models by sem 1 students!!!

Panoramic view of our math class

Panoramic view of side room

Our class was got ready by 11th Saturday itself due to the support of all our classmates and junior students with the guidance of Deepthi mam...
Entrance to lab and library 

Achievement corner 

Notice board 

Me ,along with others 3 students from different optional got charge to beautify our seminar hall too..

Other departments also get ready for the visit..

While giby mam found time to make a visit to  the Psychology lab with us and explain about apparatus exhibited there.

The visit is scheduled for 14th and 15th December..Super excited and little panick for these days;
 Let GOD gave us result for the hardwork of our college ..especially our principal, teachers, office staffs and students.


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