Dr.Neena Gupta won Ramanujan prize 2021

  • Dr.Neena Gupta, professor at The Indian Statistical Institute(IST), Kolkata won the prestigious DST-ICTP-IMU Ramanujan prize for Young mathematicians.
  • She is the fourth Indian to win this prize;third women to win this prize.
  • Award is given for her research work in affine algebraic geometry and commutative algebra.

  • The prize is jointly awarded by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics(Italy), International Mathematical Union(IMU) and the Department of Science and Technology under govt. of India.
  • She was a winner many awards  like INSA Young Scientist award, Ramanujan prize from University of Madras,Saraswathi Cowsik medal by TIFRAlumini Asociation and much more!!


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