Pooja week

This week,we have only 3 working days due to Pooja holidays. From next week onwards our criticism class will start and in-between our, university exam date published as Nov 15 and we are asked to pay exam fees. Lots of work to finish including studies..hectic days are coming😳😲🥵.

Maya portions almost finished and only some small portions to cover. Mam console us to not get panic by exam dates but to be more systematic for completing works. Taught about higher education systems problems and suggestions. 

Teachers told us about our valuation of sem1 has been starting and I think giby mam was busy and didn't take any class this week. 

Joju sir taught about qualities of researcher and characteristics of a research. 

Ancy mam taught mode and gave problems to findode. Then started measures of dispersion.

  1. Range 
  2. Quartile deviation
  3. Mean deviation 
  4. Standard deviation
Mam gave many problems to make the it thorough. 

Optional hours are seminar presentations by kavyà in e- twinning, sajin on digital resources, aby on e- resources, aleena on mobile learning, rubeena on math club.


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