
"Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirits"-STEFAN BANACH.

A "mathemagician" is a mathematician who is also a magician.While magicians do magic with objects around us,a mathemagician do magics with numbers with help of algebra.
Mental math help a lot in doing this magic!!!

The word "Mathemagic" has been formed from two words,Mathematics and magic;
We know magicians never reveal their secret of magics while mathemagician explains their method. This is a good method that can incorporated in teaching maths for students find interest in the magic element.
MENTAL MATH is an integration of certain skills that allow people to do math in their head without pen and paper.Mental math has got certain importance in education sector;
  • Enhance students ability to concentrate
  • stimulates child interest in maths
  • improves self-confidence of the child
  • develop and enhance mathematical skills
  • Problem solving skills will develop

When a maths teacher become a "mathemagician" too,students fear for math will fade away and interest will develop too. I came to know about these terms when I chose a maths related book for our reading & reflection .The book was "The Secrets of Mental Math" -by Arthur Benjamin and Michael Shermer. Arthur Benjamin is a renowned mathemagician.

"Mathematics is the queen of science, and arithmetic the queen of mathematics"- CARL FRIEDRICH GAUSS


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