Conscientization program - DIGITAL DETOX 22/08/2022 Poster of the program We, Mathematics optional students of Govt. MGHSS, Pattom school organized a conscientization program on the topic- Digital detox, which is my project itself. Lakshmi, of PS optional helped to make poster and took pictures of our class. The class was organised on 8B's library period. I took the portion of the term- Digital detox : Unplug to recharge!! Video 🎥 footage of my part.. Then, Aby took the topic- Symptoms of digital addiction. At last, Shilpa took the topic - Methods for digital detox.
After Onam holidays, exam date for practical board examination announced. It will be from 27th to 30th September, 2022. During holidays, I was hardly working to finish my works- optional and project including MCQ book. I submit all works on time and got correction for project from guide Benedict sir. So, I have to edit my project again which was tougher . Sleepless days... After completion of all works, it was time to get seal, signature etc from teachers and Principal. It all done on time, without delay and we are asked to prepare lesson template for commission. I chose a topic ' Frequency Table' of class XI for teaching. I use slides for make the lp attractive and bring two variety of activities. We have to write three copies of the lp. On 26th Monday, September, we all get ready for final touch of exam and gathered at college. Benedict sir gave brief description about practical exam and Viva schedule. By afternoon, I reached home and complete my three copies o...
16/08/2022 Tuesday The sixth week starts with independence day that was celebrated in an exclusive way. After the day, students return back to studies and was preparation for Onam exams begins. All teachers are busy with completing portions for exam. I got three hours and started the chapter - Identities. During second period, Deepthi mam came for second observation. Then, third period, I borrow ed period from music teacher. Last period for library was also taken to complete three lesson plans. 17/08/2022 Wednesday Today I arrived earlier at school since during second hour, I have to conduct achievement test. I go to class prior to 5 minutes so that sheeja mam gave me extra 5 minutes. I gave question paper and necessary instructions and start test at 10.15 AM itself. I collected the paper by 11.00 clock, after sharp 45 minutes. I checked the paper and gave it to them during 5th period and discuss the question paper.
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