Criticism class:DAY 3

 Today also ,three students take criticism class.

1. Shilpa-Concept Attainment model

She takes the portion of prisms from class 8. For tg this model,she bring many models where some are yes examples and some are no examples. She take class in a very simple manner and it was very easy enough to understand the concept. 

2.Sruthi- Activity-oriented method 

She took portion of parallel lines from class 9. She incorporated many activities and a video for making the concept more clearer. She also took the class in good and in a easy manner. 

3. Emily- Activity- oriented method 

Her class was recorded and for that ,the class was scheduled in the green room situated near to reading room. She took identities through activities. She took the whole class in English and was was an interesting session. 

Afternoon,  we have a live concert by a singer karavur Chandrababu.

Chess competition was held from 1.30pm onwards.

Psc class video of Josena released on our YouTube channel.


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