Criticism class:DAY 1

From today onwards ,the criticism class starts for all the six classes of B.Ed starts. 

We, the mathematics department starts with 3 students:

1. Pranav : Constructivism model of tg

He took the portion from class 9 on the topic measures of circle . He took the whole class in English and was very confident enough, eventhough he start as first one. Also used ICT for more clear picture of the topic along with other AV aids.

2. Aby : Inquiry training model 

He starts the class with a small motivational story  that created interest in students. This model requires students to ask yes or no questions for which tr replies as yes or no. This model was actually a challenging one but aby took it very smoothly and the whole class has got a positive vibe. He concluded with another story too!!

3. Revathy:  Activity oriented method

A fully activity oriented class with lot of models, charts and activities. She expressed all her creativity and has got good explanation skill too. She teaches area of quadrilateral from class 8 and was an energetic class. 

At last, we the observers(me,aswathy, rubeena,kavyasree) says criticism and last mam tells the corrections and suggestions. 

Afternoon,we have 3 classes by Ancy mam,Maya mam and George sir . Maya mam taught about human rights education, Ancy mam taught standard deviation with two problems. Last hour,anooja of English optional taught about chess rules. 

Today at 8pm,psc class by Aby was releasing on our associations YouTube channel.


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