Firsr week after Onam🏵 vacation

Online classes starts after onam vacation on 31st August.  All teachers inquire about how well we spend the vacations in midst of Covid-19. 
Ancy man took only one class and refreshed yhe portions taught before and ask to get ready for the presentation of discussion report in coming week.
                   Rest of mam's class was handled by Giby mam. Mam covered psychology portions of Memory-  steps,process types ,the ways to enhance Memory. Also mam gave opportunity to share our own memory tips and it was an excellent section of brainstorming . We all share the tips ans tricks in our WhatsApp group  ..
               George sir taught Sooryanamakara this week using a video depicting the same and tell to practice it everyday for physical as well as for mental well-being.

     Deepthi mam divided and gave optional works to be completed by next week ...started unit 1 of paper 10.

Joju sir also directed about the works to be done by next week and taught about Blooma taxonomy and its objectives in various domains.

         Maya mam continues the philosophy class by starting a new session- Buddhism. It remembered me about a book called ' Buddhas piranha mannil' that I learned in my school days. At that time itself,  I was eagerly waiting to travel to Nepal.


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