A busyyy week👀🤯

 Yet another week passed.  Lots of work to complete. Writing lesson plans,  seminars, note preparations etc..

This week,  Maya mam taught about Buddhism- method of teaching, difference in vedic and Buddhism and education in medieval period in India,Macaulay minutes and woods despatch where discussed.

Giby mam discussed about 'forgetting'. Then the types of forgetting.
  • Natural forgetting 
  • Abnormal forgetting 
Also,factors affecting forgetting,  theories of forgetting were discussed. 
  • Trace-decay theory
  • Interference theory
  • Repression theory
  • Retrieval failure theory
Ebbinghus forgetting curve and an introduction to  'learning'  was given.
Joju sir paper on assessment deals with Blooms taxonomy- Cognitive ,affective and psychomotor domains. Sir discussed in detail about each domains and its objectives. 
Ancy mam class deals with  our presentations on various Educational Commissions in India.  Our class got Mudhaliar Commission and I take the introductory part presentation. 
In optional class, mam started new unit in paper 10- TPCK and an important portion for essay was covered. 
Also,presentation of 📚reading and reflection starts.

Sruthi and shilpa presented their books and it was a good chance to know about new concepts like Erdos number , about civilizations etc..


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