Taliban rule☠💣 in Afghanistan 🇦🇫àķà garland in monkeys🐒 hand
What a fate of people in Afghanistan ...never think of such a evacuation of American army put the country on a dark era...... people rushing outside the country including their PM for survival . Images of people hanging on aeroplanes for there life was devastating 🥺🥺
Image of people flewing in militay aeroplane that has a capacity of only 136 is packed with 640!!
America's intervention on Afghanistan has been strengthened with the 11/ 9 &Pentagon attack that shook Americans.. the search for Al-Queada leader Osama Bin Ladan and other terrorists make military intervences stronger there. Military supported Govt. functioned till now ; eventhough the terrorists groups got suppressed, the biggest mistake happened to the plan of America in Afghanistan is that they hear the idea of Pakistan. There suggestion was to oppress only the extremists and support the minimalist Talibans. This stand has now made the existing turmoil. Billions of dollars spent for infrastructure got wasted as there us none to operate it.
Today the last Military person of USA is leaving Afghanistan and what its future is a question mark??? We know the things happening in Syria and Iraq. WHO already warned about the food crisis going to hit the nation. Taliban has already take the nation's charge and started to giving directions to people over there. In some areas , people are protesting against there rule and its a good sign as I think only people can act against such groups. Extreme religious beliefs and making others to follow it is absolutely against democracy. So there rule will be just like garland in the hands of 🐒..Another major issue is the condition of women's over there. They are restricted from :
- job
- going outside without a men companion
- mixed education
- Higher education
- Wearing dress of there choice
I think only Education can give a permanent solution for all these odd things happening that is disturbing the 🌎 world peace a lot..especially the refugee crisis
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