Second sem at second wave 🌊

 Our  B.Ed second semester officially starts on June 16. Due to the second wave of Covid-19,  we have classes in online mode. Google Classroom 👩‍🏫and meet are making the teaching learning process quite smoother in these days.

Well ,I came to see this photo shared by a tutor in socal media recently 👇

This gave me a positive attitude and hope for better future!!

Principal shared the timetable for online class and class starts from Wednesday. This semester too,we have 5 papers in which 3 are core papers and 2 optional.

We have got 2 hours of Maya mam; our paper was Education in Indian Society and mam started with dravidian civilization and its relationship with education. Really ,we go through our earliest civilization with clear cut explanation given by mam and pictures shared..

Joju sir paper was Assessment in Education and sir started with the important terminologies associates with assessment:

  • Test or Examination 
  • Measurement 
  • Evaluation 
Then, five main stages of assessment, difference between measurement and evaluation, educational evaluation - its purpose/function where discussed. 

Giby mam starts with second unit of Edu 07 paper:sensation and perception. Mam make do an exercise to sense our body and its was an fantastic experience to feel our body from head to foot. Mam ask to use our sense organs  t👀👂👃👅 skin
 to its maximum.

In this semester, Ancy mam will be teaching selected topics from 3 core papers. Mam started with psychology paper: Individual difference-types/varieties, factors, about exceptional learners etc.

In optional period, Deepthi mam gave an insight of second semester and assigned pending works of first semester. Instead of field trip ,we are asked to come up with a documentary related to mathematics. 
Busy days ahead 🤯🙂🙂🙂


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