
Today , we have online of 2 sessions.
First by Ancy mam. Eventhough,  mam admit us to google meet,due to net issues, class was not there. Mam asked to complete the notes that posted un Google classroom- Aristotle; his life sketch, his 7 Principles on realism ,forms of soul etc.

Second hour by Deepthi mam. Today , second unit was completed and topic includes bloom's digital taxonomy ,curriculum framework etc.

Afternoon, our psychology club conducted a program through google meet- A talk on the topic " stress management during covid times" by psychologist Vanidevi mam .

It was a much needed and informative one. We have realized:-
  •  the difference of stress and anxiety,
  • Symptoms of anxiety 
  •                           Causes of anxiety 
  •                   Benefits of socialization 
  •   About screen time -its impact, ways to reduce it
  • Remedies to overcome stress and anxiety 
As a members of psychology club, I whole heartedly thank all persons behind the program- Giby mam for providing the appropriate resouce person, Ancy man for coordinating the program, Subinjith and Athira for their coordination and conducting the program successfully. 


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