Short and beautiful second week🤗

Another cheerful week in theophlius!!
This week we continued with our orientation programme and special timetable. We got time to visit our library and reading room which consists of seperate reference session for B.Ed,M.Ed and research fellows.

Dr.Ancy miss handled our psychology class and she introduced the topic on ' Growth & Development'. There we study:
  •       Definition of growth and development 
  •       Difference between growth and development 
  •       Various aspects of development 
  •       Basic elements of development 
  •       Factors affecting growth and development
  •       Principles of development and its educational implications .

Dr.Joju sir continued our orientation  with his cheerful and energetic classes. He motivate us to start sharing good thoughts (subha chintha),blogging,study an online educational course and an YouTube channel for uploading videos. These all activities will definitely help us to become a technologically smart teacher to deal with modern world students.

We got a session of Dr.Maya miss from which we get an idea on the purpose of education and the role of teachers in it. A teacher should be one with positive thinking combined with positive action for this is a multifaceted profession. Thus,the process of becoming a teacher consists of:
  1. Theoretical framework
  2. Experience and activities 
  3. Outcome
  4. Reflection
  5. Evaluation 

Our optional subject teacher Dr.Deepthi mam gave us a chance to introduce ourselves to the whole class and gave us the cirriculum that consists of school,college and community based activities,field visits,seminars,yoga,health,art,reading &reflection etc.
Physical Education hours are actually our relaxing times in the college.George sir took the list of games that we are interested. This week we got opportunity to play two minor games:one is 'dodge the ball ' and another is 'find the leader' which are both interesting.

On 16th Saturday, we have a online session on google meet in the topic 'creation of blog and google website ' by Prasanth Venpakal which was very helpful. 


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